AN is the oldest astronomical journal of the world
that is still being published.

In its renewed appearance it is intended to serve as a supplement in all fields of astrophysical research including instrumentation, numerical methods, solar and stellar astrophysics, extragalactic and cosmological research.
It can be used also for refereed workshop proceedings.

Read more about AN in the press release for its 200th birthday:
Astronomical Notes turns 200.


Please submit your script via the official submission form. If there are any problems, please contact us via e-mail.

Letter from the Editor

Dear Reader, Dear Author,

with the present first issue of volume 346 in 2025, we enter the 204th year of continuous appearance of Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes (AN). The continuing complexity of world-wide scientific publishing had kept us busy over the years, it also impacts on AN. The tricky part for our comparably small journal is maintaining a high standard but also being openly accessible at the same time, preferably without costs. The end product shall be a peer-reviewed, content-oriented, and thus user-oriented, widely distributed and easily accessible journal with original research papers that one is happy to cite.

This is achieved with accompanying editorial changes. While we currently still rely on the ScholarOne submission platform for user interaction, it will be replaced with the new editorial system Research Exchange (ReX) that is being rolled out as a peer-review tool to all Wiley journals during the course of this year. eLocators instead of the sequential page numbers for easy identification, a modern web appearance where you can find the latest but also all historical volumes of AN, and open access as part of the European DEAL treaty remain cornerstones. AN’s most recent Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate) is 1.1.

As before, the Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) continues hosting the editorial office in close collaboration with Wiley. The editorial team can be contacted through Papers are welcomed in all fields of astronomy, astrophysics and solar-system research as well as related aspects in instrumentation, astrobiologic and historic studies. Many thanks in advance. We are looking forward to another year of submissions.

Klaus G. Strassmeier, Editor-in-Chief
January 2025

Download the letter as pdf: Letter from the Editor (pdf)