The CRAL - Observatoire de Lyon ( will be hosting a 2 years post-doctoral positions offered by the European Research Training Network Euro3D (, from the Fall 2002.
The CRAL - Observatoire de Lyon has a long experience in the realization and
exploitation of 3D spectrographs either dedicated to specific science projects, or opened to a broad community. It
has built or is currently building the
SAURON, and SNIFS instruments,
is leading the MUSE
project of a wide-field 3D spectrograph for the VLT and is part of one of the two competing projects for the
construction of the NIRSPEC instrument for NGST
(which may include an integral field unit).
Our team at the CRAL - Observatoire de Lyon has been mainly working
in two different scientific projects: stellar dynamics of nearby early-type galaxies
(e.g. the SAURON project) and the relation between the active nucleus and
the host galaxy in Seyfert objects.
Around the SNIFS (Supernovae Integral Field Spectrograph) project, we are also working on the study of
supernovae with the goal studying their physics and testing if they can actually be used as cosmological probes.
The post-doctoral position offered by the CRAL - Observatoire de Lyon will be in the field of the study of
stellar and gaseous kinematics in nearby active galaxies. The successful applicant will have 60% of his time
dedicated to this scientific project. He will be participating to existing observational
projects involving 3D spectroscopy and is expected to develop new ones in collaboration with the other member
institutes. The other 40% of his time will be dedicated to the development of two different 3D data analysis tools:
a line-fitting tool and a datacube deconvolution software.
The goals of the Euro3D Research Training Network (RTN) are to promote 3D (x,y,l) spectroscopy in the astrophysical community through the training of young researchers (application of 3D spectroscopy to a set of selected scientific topics) and the development / spreading of the tools required for the analysis of 3D data. This RTN, an initiative of 11 European institutes, is starting July 2002, and will combine an extensive training programme for 10 postdocs with a broad research programme and with the development of state-of-the-art data analysis software. A fundamental aspect of the RTN is a strong collaborative approach, involving exchange visits between the 11 partner institutes in 6 countries, workshops, a Winter School, and other coordinated training activities. The RTN will be funded by the European Commission within the 5th Framework Programme. It is coordinated by the Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Germany (AIP).
Dr. Pierre Ferruit:
and Dr. Roland Bacon (director):
CRAL - Observatoire de Lyon
9 avenue Charles Andre
69561 Saint Genis Laval Cedex
Tel +33 (0) 4 78 86 85 22
Fax +33 (0) 4 78 86 83 86
Applications should be sent to:
RTN Euro3D
c/o Dr. Martin Roth
Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
An der Sternwarte 16
D-14482 Potsdam
Applicants should
send a curriculum vitae, publication list, a summary of current research
interests and details of software experience. A priority order of the
institutes at which the applicant would prefer to work should also be
enclosed. The applicant should arrange for three letters of reference to
be forwarded. Applications are open from July 2002. Letters of interest
from researchers who expect to be available within the next year are
welcomed at any time. Applications from women and minorities are
particularly encouraged. Further details of the Euro3D RTN are available
at the Euro3D website or from
Dr. Martin Roth, the network coordinator.