Personal Data |
Current Position
Euro3D Research Training Network PostDoc,
Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica cosmica - Sezione di Milano
E-mail: |
Telephone: +39 02 23 699 347 |
Fax: +39 02 26 660 17 |
Curriculum Vitae (PostScript)
Research Interests
- Observational cosmology
- High-z galaxies
- Clustering of galaxies
- Large-scale structures
- High-z clusters
- Properties of galaxies in clusters
Publications and Pre-prints:
Some personal information: |
I was born in La Rochelle
(France) beautiful city on the french atlantic coast, on 31 December
1975. I have lived in different places of France like Toulouse,
Grenoble and Marseille. Although I studied my PhD at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de
Marseille (2000-2003) on galaxy clustering, focusing on the high
redshift galaxies. After my PhD defence, I started a PostDoc at the
IASF-MI on february 2003. |