Jose Acosta (IAC) jap AT Jeremy Allington-Smith (DUR) j.r.allington-smith AT Roland Bacon (LYO) bacon AT Thomas Becker (AIP) tbecker AT Petra Böhm (AIP) pboehm AT Andrew Bunker (CAM) bunker AT Michele Cappellari (LEI) cappellari AT Laurent Chemin (PAR) Laurent.Chemin AT Lise Christensen (AIP) lchristensen AT Yannick Copin (LYO) y.copin AT Nicolas Cretton (ESO) ncretton AT Eric Emsellem (LYO) emsellem AT Pierre Ferruit (LYO) pierre AT Bianca Garilli (MIL) bianca AT Begona Garcia-Lorenzo (IAC) bgarcia AT Ramon Garcia (IAC) rgl AT Markus Kissler-Patig (ESO) mkissler AT Markus Kuntschner (ESO) hkuntsch AT Vincent le Brun (MAR) vlebrun AT Olivier Le Fevre (MAR) Olivier.Lefevre AT Evencio Mediavilla (IAC) emg AT Emanuela Pompei (ESO) epompei AT Arlette Rousset-Pecontal (LYO) rousset AT Martin Roth (AIP) mmroth AT Marco Scodeggio (MIL) marcos AT Jürgen Schmoll (DUR) jurgen.schmoll AT Jürgen Schreiber (MPE) schreib AT Ray Sharples (DUR) r.m.sharples AT Niranjan Thatte (MPE) thatte AT Jermey Walsh (ESO) jwalsh AT Allesandra Zanichelli (MIL) azanich AT ira.cnr.itGroup Photograph
Presentations: Instrumentation
Presentations: Science with 3D
Contractual Issues
IAC Winter School
Work Plan
Work Package Manager Lunch Meeting
Open Discussion
The Kick-off Meeting was virtually the earliest opportunity to initiate the RTN activities through a first workshop with attendance from all participating institutes. It was intended to demonstrate the strong interest of all Euro3D RTN partners to make this collaborative effort a success. It was also meant to present the competitive edge of Integral Field Spectroscopy in Europe which is in essence completely accessible within the Euro3D Research Training Network. The RTN should be continued in the spirit of the OPTICON 3D Spectroscopy Working Group, which had been successful in preparing software standards and the Euro3D Integral Field Spectroscopy Data Format, both of which are forming an important foundation for the future RTN work.
Thus the Kick-off Meeting would make the RTN visible as an attractive objective for potential postdoc candidates, planning to start or continue their careers with a solid research and training programme and within the context of a strong collaboration between 11 major European research institutes.
Markus distributed a printed copy of the Euro3D poster
which had been edited and printed by ESO's graphical office. A large number
of posters has been shipped to essentially all relevant astronomy-related
institutions worldwide, using the standard ESO distribution list.
The meeting was organized as follows:
Presentations from Session I, II and III
can be downloaded in Powerpoint or
HTML formats.
Martin thanked Evencio Mediavilla and Eva Bejarano (IAC) for organizing the workshop, for providing the logistics, and for the hospitality of the IAC.
The welcome was concluded with a small
ceremony , during which the final
approved version of the Euro3D contract was delivered to the representative
of each participating institute and confirmed with a symbolic handshake.
Martin Roth: Welcome
Chairman: Jeremy Walsh
Wednesday, 3 July 09:00 - 16:50
Chairman: Jeremy Allington-Smith
Thursday, 4 July 09:00 - 16:30
Note that, according to the contract, money starts flowing only after all membership agreements have been collected, countersigned by the coordinator and then sent to the EC. In addition, administrative delays must be taken into account.After this step, an advance payment will be made, followed by further periodic payments over the duration of the contract. A final payment of the remaining 15% of the total budget will be made only after the contract has been duly terminated and all contractual obligations have been met.
Martin will distribute Membership Agreement forms by email.
ACTION (local team leaders) Provide signature for Membership Agreement, send back to Martin (ASAP)
A summary of relevant rules and regulations, including the responsibilities of the principal contractor and the members, is available in PDF (EC presentation, given on January 15, 2002, Brussels).
It is the responsibility of the RTN coordinator to collect the required documents for preparation of the contract, to send a database report to the EC, and to provide the EC with a copy of the membership agreements. During the lifetime of the RTN, the coordinator is furthermore responsible for the project management, contacts with the EC, periodic reporting to the EC, transfer of funds, and the reporting of any changes affecting the RTN.
Responsibilities of the local team leaders include management of their
team, financial issues, managing the RTN project according to the
Work Plan, implementing the local training programme, integration of the
young researcher in the local team, instructing the local team about contractual
obligations, informing the RTN coordinator about any problem, providing
the RTN coordinator with reporting data.
As for the status of recruitments, an advertisement had been posted at the AAS Job Register during the months of May and June. There had been several requests for information and formally three applications. Applications are being collected at AIP and forwarded to local teams according to the preferences indicated by the applicant. From the preliminary inquiries it is expected that a few more applications will be arriving shortly.
Since generally the main season to look for postdoc positions is fall, it was decided to post another AAS advertisement in October and November 2002, with deadline for applications on December 15. Markus proposed to use the the term "Euro3D Research Training Network" as an institution, which would appear more attractive than "AIP / Potsdam". Martin will attempt to submit a job advertisement in this form.
ACTION (Martin) Send Euro3D job advertisement to AAS Job Register (deadline 15-Sept-2002)
The Euro3D poster which had been distributed in Session I was mentioned as another way to attract the attention of possible postdoc candidates.
Jeremy was volunteering to write an ESO Messenger article about Euro3D, to be published around September.
ACTION (Jeremy W.)
Write ESO Messenger article about Euro3D
Every year, the normal procedure to organize a Winter School is as follows:
Normally, there are 4-5 proposals out of which only one is selected.Call for Proposals - deadline September 15
Research Committee and Graduate Studies Division make recommendation - October 15
Proposals for an IAC Winter School must be submitted in the following form:
In 2002, the IAC team had already submitted a proposal for the intended
Integral Field Spectroscopy Winter School. Given the fact that there are
at least 3 other known competing proposals, it was uncertain that this
time the proposal would be successful. There was, however, nothing wrong
with resubmitting it in the next round, and even another year later if
necessary. Ramon pointed out that because of the competitive nature of
the selection procedure, there was no guarantee that the Euro3D Winter
School would take place within the framework of the regular IAC Winter
School programme.
Nevertheless, even if in the worst case all possible proposals failed,
the IAC would be willing to support an Integral Field Spectroscopy Winter
School to be organized separately. The same infrastructure would be made
available as for the regular programmes, however funding would have to
be provided from elsewhere. According to experience, the typical cost of
an IAC Winter School used to be around 12 to 13 million Ptas. Normally
part of the funding is provided by the EC, and another part from Spanish
grants, sponsors, and the local Cabildo.
Work Package 1
Pre-main-sequence objects
(Jeremy W.)
1.2 Resolved stellar populations
(Jeremy W.)
( 1.3 Normal galaxies - not presented )
1.4 Active galaxies
1.5 Groups and clusters
of galaxies (Bianca)
( 1.6 High redshift galaxies - not presented )
1.7 Gravitational lensing
Work Package 2
Data format and software
specifications (Markus)
2.2 3D visualization
2.3 Line fitting
tool (Pierre)
2.4 Crowded field spectroscopy
2.5 3D mosaicing
(Jürgen Schreiber - for Lowell)
2.6 Data cube exploration, data mining (Vincent)
2.7 3D deconvolution
( 2.8 3D cross correlation - not presented)
ACTION (task coordinators)
Prepare task plan, timeline, milestones, and list of participants
(deadline: 30-Sept-2002)
A Work Package Manager Meeting, which was held separately during lunch time, yielded the following recommendations and requests:
Planning RTN Meetings
The sequence of RTN workshops was reviewed and discussed, considering that some dates must be adjusted due to external constraints :
Science Workshop - Q2-2003 (according to plan)
Mid-term Review - Q4-2004 (according to plan)
Data Analysis Workshop - Spring 2005
International Conference at ESO:
Jeremy W. will submit proposal by May 2003 with target 2004. The Data
Analysis Workshop, which originally was scheduled for Q3-2004, must be
shifted accordingly.
ACTION (Jeremy W.)
submit proposal for 3D Spectroscopy conference at ESO (deadline:
As required on the basis of the contract, the RTN coordinator must provide periodic progress reports to the EC, as well as immediate change records should any team have changed in a fundamental way. Experience has shown that it is notoriously difficult for network coordinators to obtain all the required information in time. Since delays may have the undesirable effect of subsequent delays in payments by the EC, the Euro3D RTN shall employ a simple and practical reporting scheme, allowing to respond to the EC quickly. To this end, the RTN coordinator will request every two months a progress report from local team leaders using a simple form, which can be filled-in as a matter of a few minutes. In addition to this, the Work Package Manager will request similar reports from task coordinators to monitor progress of the various Work Plan tasks. The Work Package Managers will then synthesize to provide input to the Euro3D Newsletter which will be published electronically twice a year.
A discussion of the Euro3D webpage lead to the conclusion that no fundamental change was needed. However, it was suggested to improve the visibility of job announcements on the homepage. Regarding the repository of documents, to be mainted within the internal page, the following items were suggested to be included:
Mailing List
Bianca announced that the current mailing list will be updated and then
sent to Petra to be posted in the internal section of the Euro3D webpage.
Video Conferencing
Video Conferencing was discussed as a possible way to organize future
RTN-wide discussion without the need for travel.
VRVS was mentioned as a useful implementation, see
RTN members are encouraged to experiment.
The meeting was closed at 16:30
Summary of Action Items:
ACTION (local team leaders)
Provide signature for Membership Agreement, send back to Martin (ASAP)
ACTION (Martin)
Send Euro3D job advertisement to AAS Job Register (deadline 15-Sept-2002)
ACTION (Jeremy W.)
Write ESO Messenger article about Euro3D
ACTION (task coordinators)
Prepare task plan, timeline, milestones, and list of participants
(deadline: 30-Sept-2002)
ACTION (Martin)
set up webpage with reference to technology transfer
ACTION (Martin)
contact Roland to initiate Public Outreach activities, create list of links
to webpages
ACTION (Martin)
create database of management activities, report to Jeremy A.-S.
ACTION (Martin)
prepare template for report form
ACTION (Martin)
clarify conditions of special request for 1 year advance payment for MIL
ACTION (Jeremy W.)
submit proposal for 3D Spectroscopy conference at ESO (deadline: