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Euro3D: mini workshop on high-redshift universe
LAM, Marseille, 8th and 9th September 2003
Tasks 1.5, 1.6, 1.7

General Information:
The High-redshift Universe working group was formed and kicked off in a meeting in Marseille in September '03. This task gather part of the predefined working tasks (1.6) High redshift galaxies, (1.5) Groups and cluster of galaxies (High redshift Clusters) and (1.7) Gravitational lensing. The main issue of this mini-workshop was to initiate some proposals on different topics for the next observing period.

Science projects:
So far five possible science projects are planned:
1/ Lyman- haloes around z~3 Lyman-Break galaxies and high redshift radio galaxies (1138, z=2.2) (high priority)
2/ Gravitational lenses (QSOs) - quads, crosses
3/ Arcs in clusters (galaxies) and a seredipitous search near caustic (high priority)
4/ Normal galaxies at z~1 (Tully-Fisher), optical/IR for metallicity/dust extinction
5/ Looking for clusters - z~1 QSOs look for [OII]
Workshop participants:
Giovanni CovoneLAM
Vincent Le BrunLAM
Sébastien FoucaudIASF-MI
Bianca GarilliIASF-MI
Véronique CayatteObs. Paris-Meudon
Daniela Vergani Obs. Paris-Meudon
Andrew Bunker IoA
Robert Sharp IoA
Lise Christensen AIP
Frank Eisenhauer MPE
Internal Minutes (restricted access)

A second workshop was held at Paris Observatory, Meudon, in 2004 on March, 19th, (work plan, tasks 1.6 and 1.7):

Invitation to Meudon                     Minutes (restricted access)

Created by: Sébastien Foucaud | 12.09.2003
Last change: Petra Böhm | 07.10.2004
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