for the 5th OPTICON 3D Working Group Meeting,
20-21 March 2002, at Universite de Provence - Centre Saint Charles,
Wednesday, 20 March 10.00 - 17.00
10.00 Introduction (J. Walsh)
Euro3D Format
- Presentation of the Euro 3D Format Definition
(Markus Kissler-Patig and the Task Force)
(The document is available at the
Euro3D Internal
- Detailed discussion on 3D Format (All)
- Amendments
- Release schedule
- Provision of 3D Format interfaces in various languages
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Towards adoption of a software platform for the RTN
- The Lyon 3D C libraries (Pierre Ferruit)
(Full documentation for the Lyon libraries can be found at
the Euro3D Internal
- 3D libraries in IDL (Martin Roth + Thomas Becker)
(A summary of the IDL libraries used at the AIP can be found at
the Euro3D Internal
- VIMOS 3D library (Bianca Garilli + Marco Scodeggio)
- Other 3D libraries and applications
- FLAMES (V. Cayette)
- VIRMOS MOS data reduction/analysis (V. Le Brun)
- Others
Evening Dinner
Thursday, 21 March 09.00 - 14.00
Continuation of software platform discussions
11.00 Prepration for the RTN Kick-off
- Contract negotiation (Martin Roth)
- Kick-off meeting
- Advertising for post-docs (Jeremy Walsh)
13.00 Lunch + meeting for RTN Work Package Managers + Team Leaders
Any other matters
14.00 Close
19-Mar-2003 |