28th (13:30) - 30th (12:00) April 2004
Wednesday, April 28, 13:30 - 18:30
- 13:30 TALK: Welcome (M.M.Roth)
- 14:00 TALK: The Euro3D format (M.Kissler-Patig)
- 14:30 TALK: The LCL library and E3D (S.F.Sanchez)
- 15:00 EXERCISE: Installation of E3D, step by step (S.F.Sanchez & Participants)
- 16:00 Coffee
- 16:30 Splinter session (in one room in parallel):
- (I) EXERCISE: Reading of the E3D documentation and testing the program
- (II) HELP: Identification and possible solutions of installation problems
- 17:30 EXERCISE: Discussion of the first impression of the program and its documentation, suggestions for improvements (Participants)
Thursday, April 29, 09:00 - 18:00
- 09:00 TALK: Introduction to the E3D standalone programs. (S.F.Sanchez)
- 09:30 EXERCISE: Transformation between different dataformats: (S.F.Sanchez & Participants)
- Euro3D, cubes, RSS.
- Using "any2Euro3D".
- Your own funny data.
- 11:00 Coffee
- 11:30 TALK: Introduction to the E3D GUI. (S.F.Sanchez)
- 12:00 EXERCISE: Intro to the E3D GUI (I) (S.F.Sanchez & Participants)
Guided tour for the E3D GUI: loading files, the RSS format, the spaxels
inspector, the spectral inspector, interactions, etc.
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:00 EXERCISE: Intro to the E3D GUI (II) (S.F.Sanchez & Participants)
- Map creation (Interpolation Routines), datacubes, pseudo-slit spectra,
quick-and-dirty line fittings,
quick-and-dirty line kinematics.
- The concept of objects in E3D.
- Object selection and save.
- Sky subtraction.
- Differential Atmospheric Correction.
- 15:00 Coffee
- 15:30 DISCUSSION: Euro3D RTN issues. (M.M.Roth & Participants)
- 16:30 EXERCISE: Intro to E3D scripting. (S.F.Sanchez & Participants)
- The Tcl/E3D routines.
- Simple scripts.
- E3D console.
- 19:00 Joint dinner
Friday, April 30, 09:00 - 12:00
- 09:00 TALK: Programming under LCL and the Euro3D.o functions: (S.F.Sanchez)
How to create your funny tools.
- 10:00 EXERCISE: Connecting E3D with external Tools: (S.F.Sanchez)
IDL, Python, Perl, IRAF.
Example: FIT3D, the Euro3D fitting tool.
26-Apr-2004 |