Markus Kissler-Patig (mkissler AT, Ralph Palsa (rpalsa AT,
Sebastian F. Sanchez (ssanchez AT, Arlette Pecontal (Arlette.Pecontal AT,
Pierre Ferruit (pierre AT, Yannick Copin (ycopin AT,
Eric Emsellem (emsellem AT, Emmanuel Pecontal (pecontal AT,
Roland Bacon (bacon AT
The mini-workshop consisted in a two-days meetings. We talked
about the new Euro3D format, its implementation in the Lyon I/O library and the starting point for the visualization
- Due to various issues raised by the FITS experts
in their comments to the current Euro3D data format and worries expressed
by the Lyon team concerning large-file handling, it had been decided in early
november to use binary tables instead of 2D images to store the data. Markus
presented the latest version of the data format. An updated version of the
Format Definition document was not available at that time. It was emphasized
that the changes affected only the way the data are stored on disk. No change
in the format functionalities was introduced. Summarizing, the new FITs
file contains three mandatory extensions : one
containing only the initial fits header, one containing a binary table and
one containing the group information. The binary
table now contains both the data (signal, data quality and statistical error)
and position information, merging four extensions of the "old" format into
a single one. Spectra are now stored into vector elements of the binary table.
This storage strategy will ensure much higher performances in case of huge
data cubes.
- The work on the
EURO3D I/O library is in progress, despite delays introduced by the format changes. It is based
on the former Lyon I/O library, that works very
well. It includes test programs that check the ability to read/write Euro3D
format files. A preliminar version, not including group handling has been
- Different solutions on how to handle the data in the C-programs based on the
library were discussed (definition of the C-structures and of the basic I/O
functions). We converged toward a solution,
which had, in addition, the advantage of minimizing the changes in
the actual version on the I/O library.
- Arlette has presented
in detail the contents of the existing library
(functions, structures...) as well
as its philosophy. A detailed documentation is generated semi-automatically
from the source code, allowing an easy updating
of the documentation of the routines (purpose, syntax...). The documentation will also include a description of the
the Euro3D format C-structures.
- Sebastian presented his ideas about the technical
requirements for the visualization tool, and on which graphics library could
be used. He has shown the latest capabilities
of PGPLOT, comparing them with the abilities
of other graphics libraries (more extended, easy to transport between platforms,
easy to manage, well documented, free...).
Both Arlette and Pierre have agreed that, taking
into consideration the time constraints
, it will be nice to use a well
tested library. Arlette has seen as an advantage
the fact that PGPLOT interacts with
TCL/TK, and different posibilities for the GUI have been explored.
- It has been agreed to present, at the visualization mini-workshop, a simple prototype
of the visualization tool that would use the
I/O library to read a raw Euro3D frame and PGPLOT
to show the data. This prototype could,
as an example, allow to plot a spectrum when clicking on a frame. All agreed that,
to present this as a
n starting point for the next January
meeting, would be a good idea.
The Lyon group acceptedto provide the current
version of the I/O library to start the work on the prototype and detect possible
problems. Sebastian compromises to test the I/O library and provide the
prototype for the January meeting.
- All agreed in the gradual development of the visualization
tool, from a command line based tool to a more
complex GUI (if possible), starting from the basic things and then add more
and more functionalities. Discussion on which capabilities to include in the visualization tool will would be at the heart
of the
January Potsdam meeting.