Astrophotonik (innoFSPEC)

Scientist at innoFSPEC, AIP Technology Transfer

About us

The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) is the successor to one of the oldest observatories in Germany – the Berlin Observatory founded in 1700 – and the successor to the first institution worldwide devoted explicitly to the field of astrophysics, the Astrophysical Observatory Potsdam established in 1874. Scientists at AIP work on a variety of astrophysical topics such as cosmic magnetic fields, extra-galactic astrophysics, precision stellar physics, and are supported by a large technology development team on spectroscopy, robotics, astrophotonics and e-science. The Astrophotonics section (innoFSPEC) at AIP is world leader in the emerging new technological discipline of astrophotonics, dedicated to building of new astrophotonic instruments for ground- and space-based observatories, NIR scientific detectors, as well as establishing regional and international co-operations with industries scientific institutions, and observatories. We are actively involved in developing technologies and subsystems for ELT (ANDES, MOSAIC), VLT (MUSE), CHARA Array (CHARIOT), Calar Alto Observatory (PMAS, MARCOT), and play key roles in large international consortia, such as 4MOST, BlueMUSE, etc. The innoFSPEC section has a more than a dozen years track record of technology transfer, specifically from astrophysics to health technologies.

About you

Astrophotonics (innoFSPEC) at AIP solicits applications for 1 scientist to support the development of a lab demonstrator for imaging confocal Raman spectroscopy . Next to the local team, the candidate is expected to interact with the innoFSPEC Technology Transfer Lab of the University of Potsdam and an industrial collaborator to exploit the results and seek applications outside of astronomy for future commercialization. The position offers the unique opportunity to assemble, integrate and test the lab demonstrator for applications of future end users.

Your Tasks

  • Development of fiber arrays for illumination and sensing
  • Design and manufacture of optical system for lab demonstrator
  • Support the research activities of PhD students and contribute to peer-reviewed
  • publications, patents, and conference papers.

Your Profile

  • Essential:
    • MSc or PhD in astrophysics, instrumentation, or in related fields.
    • Hands-on experience in designing, building, and evaluating lab experiments.
    • Demonstrated programming skills.
    • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and ability to work in a team.
    • Proficiency in communicating technical information, including written reports and oral presentations.
    • Excellent proficiency in the English language. Basic German skills will be an advantage.
  • Desirable:
    • Skills in Python, LabView, Matlab, Zemax, will be an added advantage.
    • Experience in building instruments


The AIP is an equal opportunity employer and strives to maintain a diverse, inclusive work environment and culture. AIP offers flexible working hours, good opportunities for internal and external training, and an open-minded and cooperative working atmosphere in a modern working environment, very well equipped and located in the middle of a World Heritage Site. AIP particularly encourages applications from women and those from diverse backgrounds. Preference will also be given to people with disabilities with equal competence. The appointment could start immediately after the recruitment process is completed and is until 30.06.2028. Salary and social benefits are calculated based on the German public service scale TV-L and depends on qualification. Employer contributions to medical, parental leave, and retirement benefits are included. To apply, please send the following documents, all in PDF format to:

(1) A cover letter (one page maximum) motivating your application,

(2) Curriculum Vitae

(3) MSc or PhD degree certificate (if already available, otherwise specify the expected completion date)

(4) Copies of academic degrees

(5) List of publications and talks

(6) Research summary describing your experience, skills, and project-related work so far (no more than two pages, including any figures). In the cover letter, a link to a PDF of your PhD thesis would be appreciated (if applicable).

(7) Contact information for two individuals willing to provide reference letters upon request.

Note that we will request such letters only for a subset of applicants after an initial selection step. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.


Prof. Dr. Martin Roth

Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
An der Sternwarte 16
D-14482 Potsdam

22. Juli 2024