IT Security

Non-digital Firewall
Credit: "big black firewall" by glasseyes view is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, security plays a major role in our digital world. Data losses or the outage of large instutions due to Emotet and alike show the extreme dangers when security is neglected. We encourage every member or guest of the AIP to take this matter seriously and accept possible inconvenience!
On this page, we will provide tips and advices, how you could ensure the secure operation of AIP IT infrastructure as well as concerning IT security in general.
The AIP has appointed an IT security officer and approved an IT security concept. Further information on these topics are available in the Intranet.
Within the AIP and the worldwide scientific community, a large number of free and commercial IT services are used. Some of these services do have data protection issues. The IT Services department, in co-operation with the IT user group, the Data Protection Officer and the IT security officer, has tried to check some widely used services for possible data protection issues and published its findings in the AIP intranet. Please read this assessment before using third party services for your scientific and other activities in the AIP!
In case of suspicion of abuse or disturbing activities originating from computers of the AIP please contact us using the address