
The IT Services department provides telephone devices to the offices and labs at the AIP campus, maintains the telco systems and distributes the phone numbers to the users. You can find more information about the telephone devices in the intranet.

Please write us an e-mail to if you have questions or requests for change concerning your telephone!


Q: I can not receive calls, but can call other people without problems? (The caller receives a busy signal, although the called party is not on the phone)

A: This error occurs when the "do not disturb" function was activated. It prevents that someone can be called (the calling side gets a busy signal). This function can be de- and activated with the DND button. If the function is enabled, the phones show a "No Trespassing" sign and possibly the lettering "Silence/Ruhe". If the function is enabled, press the "DND" button.

snom - DND-Taste
snom - DND-Anzeige

If you can not be solve the problem, please call us or write us an e-mail!

Last update: 11. January 2021