
Printed Journals
You can find printed journals of the AIP library by searching our online catalog. The following link will provide you with a complete list of cataloged journals:
Print Journals in the Online Catalog
An A-Z list of all print journals with indication of the available holdings periods as well as online access to the most important scholarly journals can be found here.
The volumes, usually bound by year, are accessible to staff in the open area of the library. Department 5 (periodicals) is located in the rotunda on the ground floor of building B13.

Online Journals
In addition to the numerous printed journals, the AIP library offers the staff of the institute numerous accesses to electronic journals. The publishers recognize the IP address range of the user reported by the AIP library and automatically grant access to the full texts if a corresponding license is available. A login is usually not necessary.
The AIP Library uses the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) for the collective management of access. It is a supra-regional reference for electronically published, scientific full-text journals on the Internet. Via the portal of the EZB you can find all licensed (yellow traffic light) and freely available (green traffic light) journals of the AIP.
To the EZB entry page of the AIP
Entry by subject (selection):
General Natural Sciences | Physics | Mathematics | Computer Science | Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Communications Engineering

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Another worthwhile search option is the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). This database contains over 18,000 freely accessible scientific journals from all scientific domains/subject areas. These are journals that are based on a genuine open access business model (Gold, Diamond) and that have also implemented appropriate quality assurance measures (including peer review). The indexed journals can be searched at the journal or individual article level (currently > 8 million) according to various criteria. To be included in DOAJ, open access journals must meet various quality criteria (see DOAJ), giving the directory the character of a "white list" for reputable open access journals.
Is the item you are looking for not available? No problem! We will be happy to order the literature you need via interlibrary loan or to acquire books for the AIP collection. Just use our order form or write a short mail with the information available to: