ORCiD - Open Researcher and Contributor iD
What is an ORCiD?
The Open Researcher and Contributor iD (ORCiD) is a persistent ID with which you can clearly distinguish yourself from other researchers and people. Among other things, this is very helpful if you have a frequently occurring family name. Even in combination with a first name, this can lead to confusion, for example when searching for publications in subject databases such as the ADS or when automated queries use the API of such databases.
Here, author identifiers help to distinguish you from researchers with the same or very similar names name. While commercial databases often offer or use proprietary identifiers (e.g. Clarivate/Web of Science: Researcher ID or Scopus: Scopus Author ID ), ORCiD offers a superordinate and non-proprietary approach of an author identifier. This is generally recognized and accepted, for example, by scientific publishers and research funders. Existing IDs of a proprietary nature can be linked to the ORCiD ID. In this way, the ORCiD finds its way into the various subject database systems and enables your unique identification there.
Do you have questions about ORCiD? We are happy to help you! library@aip.de
The following video gives a short introduction on how the ORCiD works.
Source: https://info.orcid.org