Transformative contracts and publication agreements
AIP's participation in various agreements results in a variety of open access publication options for AIP staff. Below you will find the most important Agreements with some helpful information.
DEAL Wiley
As part of the DEAL project (project website), the AIP is participating in the transformation agreement with the publisher Wiley. The underlying publish-and-read model assures that authors of participating institutions are entitled to publish in original open access journals without individual invoicing since 22.01.2019 and to hybrid open access publishing (Wiley Online Open) since 01.07.2019 if they hold the correspondent authorship. In addition, participating institutions will receive reading rights to the entire Wiley e-journal portfolio, including back volumes through 1997, as well as a 20% discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) when publishing in Gold Open Access journals from Wiley. Due APCs will be covered by the respective departments.
To benefit from the "Online Open" option in subscription-based Wiley journals (e.g., "Astronomische Nachrichten"), proceed as follows:
- Use your AIP email address to communicate with the publisher and when submitting.
- Select AIP as affiliation from the drop-down menu (purely manual input won't work)
- When the manuscript is accepted for publication, please confirm the Open Access option in the Author Dashboard using the button: Yes, make my article Open Access
- Choose a Creative Commons license. We recommend the liberal license type CC BY, which grants the highest reuse possibilities in science without limiting your copyrights to the work. More information on the other Creative Commons license types here:
- Regarding fees, please select the following option: "My institution or funder has an agreement with Wiley and may pay the article publication fee."
- The article will be forwarded to the library dashboard for review and approval.
- Approval by the library will be automatically be displayed in your Author Services Dashboard.
EDP Sciences
The publisher EDP Sciences has transfered some of its journals into the Subscribe2Open model (S2O). In this transformation approach to open access, all articles in a given journal are published in open access under a CC BY license, as long as libraries (or other institutions) buy the minimum number of subscriptions required to maintain publication of that journal. Authors will not be charged Article Processing Charges (APC). If the minimum number of subscriptions is not met, the journal reverts to closed subscription mode for that year.
The journal "Astronomy & Astrophysics", which is important for the AIP, is part of the S2O approach. By subscribing to this journal, the AIP library makes an important contribution to open access in A&A and thus to increasing the gold open access share in AIP publications.
Springer Nature OA
The AIP participates in the Springer Nature OA transformative agreement with the Springer Nature Publishing Group. This covers the part of the journals that are Nature-branded, while the other journals of the Springer e-journal portfolio are covered by the DEAL Springer transformative agreement. The AIP is currently not participating in the latter.
The agreement entitles AIP authors to hybrid Ope Access publishing in Nature and Nature Research journals (except Nature Review titles and Nature Protocols). The Nature OA consortium holds a fixed quota of tokens (= credit) for all participating institutions, which corresponds approximately to the annual volume of articles with corresponding authorships of these institutions in the respective titles. When an article by a researcher from a participating institution is published, this quota is reduced. Corresponding authors of the AIP can therefore publish their research articles free of charge in these journals under a CC-BY license.
If the quota is unexpectedly used up ahead of schedule, a warning will be given. There can be no accidential incurring of costs.
Eligible article types are Analysis, Article, Letter, Brief Communication, Registered Report, Resource, Technical Report (excluding Review articles).
Please note: The gold Open Access formats (Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, etc.) are excluded from this agreement. Here, you or your department will incur costs for the publisher's Article Processing Charges (APCs).
In addition to the open access component, the contract also includes the reading access to all Nature-branded journal titles from the publication year 2021.
AAS Journals
The American Astronomical Society (AAS) is an international non-governmental organization with a mission to enhance and share humanity’s scientific understanding of the universe as a diverse and inclusive astronomical community.
To further support the Society’s mission and provide immediate access to important research, the AAS transitioned its entire journals portfolio to fully open access (OA) on 1 January 2022. All content — past, present, and future — is now immediately and openly accessible: anyone can read, download, and share anything in the portfolio and there will be no subscription fees or paywalls. Subscription charges to AAS journals have been eliminated, and the journals are fully supported by article publication charges (APCs) assessed to authors. All articles are published under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) 4.0 license, under which the authors retain copyright to their work.
Details can be found here: AAS journals transition to open access
MNRAS journal to publish to open access
The entire Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) journal portfolio will be fully open access (OA) from 01 January 2024. Subscription charges to RAS journals have been eliminated, and the journals are fully supported by article publication charges (APCs) assessed to authors. All articles are published under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) 4.0 license, under which the authors retain copyright to their work.
Details can be found here: MNRAS journal to publish to open access
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics
The AIP participates in the so-called "Read-and-Publish" agreement with SPIE. This means that AIP employees can publish their articles as corresponding authors in the journals of the society Open Access at no extra cost and in unlimited numbers. This agreement applies to all journals in the SPIE Digital Library, including the Gold Open Access journals. The articles are published under the CC BY license.
In the portal for submitting your manuscript, select the option "One or more authors belong to an institution that has an open access publishing agreement with SPIE" under "Open Access" and select the AIP from the drop-down menu. Further information on the submission process can be found in the following PDF: SPIE Journal Submission Guide