

PolarCat: Catalog of polars, LARPs, and candidate objects

Polars and low-accretion rate polars (LARPS) are strongly magnetic cataclysmic variables. Mediated by the magnetic field of the white dwarf, its spin and the binary orbit are (mostly) synchronized. They play an important role in our understanding of close binary evolution and the generation of strong magnetic fields in white dwarfs. Thanks to X-ray all-sky surveys, optical variability and spectroscopic surveys their number has grown from a few in the 1980s to more than 200 currently. Follow-up studies are facilitated by a systematic compilation of such systems which is presented here and made available as an online resource. Yearly updates are planned and community input is highly welcomed.

If one makes use of the catalog, one is kindly requested to give reference to the paper describing its construction and content (URL will be added, once paper is published)

The catalog of polars and candidate polars (VO table, edition 2025A)

The catalog of LARPs and candidate LARPs (VO table, edition 2025A)

Last update: 13. March 2025