Dr. Kristin Riebe

I am a member of the press and public outreach section and concentrate on the field of web development. In collaboration with the E-Science group I also create webpages for conferences or meetings. If you have questions or requests concerning the (AIP) webpages or the intranet, please send an E-mail to webmaster@aip.de.

I am interested in web development, visualization and publication of astronomical data, also working together with the IT section and E-Science group and following the activities of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance.

Public Relations
Office: KH/2.07
Phone: +49 331 7499 377

für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
An der Sternwarte 16
14482 Potsdam


  • Web developments for AIP
  • IVOA Provenance Data Model
  • Databases, archives and web services for astronomical data

Some of the scripts and tools that I built within the last years are available at GitHub. This is my account: github.com/kristinriebe.

The non-public (web) developments are located in AIP's own internal GitLab instance: gitlab.aip.de/kriebe.

Works council

I am a member of the works council.