AIP in the media
AIP scientists are regularly featured in the media with their research results and expertise on astronomical topics. Here you find a selection of current and freely accessible articles, radio reports and broadcasts. Older contributions can be found at the archive page.
JubilJahr2025: 275. Geburtstag von Caroline Herschel
Talk with Dr. Janine Fohlmeister
Bahnbrechende Methode erlaubt Blick in die dunklen Regionen der Milchstraße
Article on the press release from the AIP
Reading a Chapter of Galactic History from a Single Star
Article on a recent publication by AIP researchers about the star SOS1 which stands out in the Milky Way's bar.
Von Himmelssternen bis Käsefondue in Babelsberg
Heimatjournal programme with contributions by Janine Fohlmeister on the AIP and Joar Brynnel on the 4MOST project for the VISTA telescope in Chile.
Kosmischer Tanz der Sterne enthüllt Struktur der Milchstraße
Article on the press release from the AIP
Riesenstern zeigt ungewöhnliche Flecken
Article on the press release about the chaotic dynamo of the star XX Tri
Unveiling the uncharted Milky Way: Completing the galactic stellar map
Article on the AIP press release
Wie extrasolare Planeten ihre erste Atmosphäre verlieren
Article on the press release about exoplanet research and the ERC Consolidator Grant by Katja Poppenhäger
Exoplanetenforschung im Fokus
Article about the press release on Katja Poppenhäger becoming our new director
Potsdam Institute for Astrophysics wants to prove the existence of aliens
Article on an interview with Prof. Dr. Katja Poppenhäger
New map of the universe shows mega structures
Article about the corresponding AIP news release on giant structures in the universe, which result from the analysis of the motion of about 56,000 galaxies.
Gesucht wird: die kosmische Heimat unserer Milchstraße
Article about the corresponding AIP news release on giant structures in the universe, which result from the analysis of the motion of about 56,000 galaxies.
Did the Milky Way form faster than we thought?
Article on the AIP press release on the study by Samir Nepal and Dr. Cristina Chiappini
Ancient stars found in Milky Way's thin disk
Article on the AIP press release on the study by Samir Nepal and Dr. Cristina Chiappini
Sternenscheibe der Milchstraße ist unerwartet alt
Article on the AIP press release on the study by Samir Nepal and Dr. Cristina Chiappini