AIP in the media (archive)

JubilJahr2025: 275. Geburtstag von Caroline Herschel

Talk with Dr. Janine Fohlmeister

Podcast,, March 17, 2025, [Link]
Bahnbrechende Methode erlaubt Blick in die dunklen Regionen der Milchstraße

Article on the press release from the AIP

Der Standard, Jan. 5, 2025, [Link]
Reading a Chapter of Galactic History from a Single Star

Article on a recent publication by AIP researchers about the star SOS1 which stands out in the Milky Way's bar.

AAS Nova, Jan. 3, 2025, [Link]
Von Himmelssternen bis Käsefondue in Babelsberg

Heimatjournal programme with contributions by Janine Fohlmeister on the AIP and Joar Brynnel on the 4MOST project for the VISTA telescope in Chile.

rbb, Dec. 28, 2024, [Link]
Kosmischer Tanz der Sterne enthüllt Struktur der Milchstraße

Article on the press release from the AIP

Astronews, Dec. 27, 2024, [Link]
Riesenstern zeigt ungewöhnliche Flecken

Article on the press release about the chaotic dynamo of the star XX Tri, Dec. 20, 2024, [Link]
Unveiling the uncharted Milky Way: Completing the galactic stellar map

Article on the AIP press release, Dec. 19, 2024, [Link]
Wie extrasolare Planeten ihre erste Atmosphäre verlieren

Article on the press release about exoplanet research and the ERC Consolidator Grant by Katja Poppenhäger, Dec. 9, 2024, [Link]
Exoplanetenforschung im Fokus

Article about the press release on Katja Poppenhäger becoming our new director

Pro Physik, Nov. 8, 2024, [Link]
Potsdam Institute for Astrophysics wants to prove the existence of aliens

Article on an interview with Prof. Dr. Katja Poppenhäger

MAZ online, Oct. 23, 2024, [Link]
New map of the universe shows mega structures

Article about the corresponding AIP news release on giant structures in the universe, which result from the analysis of the motion of about 56,000 galaxies.

Pro Physik, Sept. 30, 2024, [Link]
Gesucht wird: die kosmische Heimat unserer Milchstraße

Article about the corresponding AIP news release on giant structures in the universe, which result from the analysis of the motion of about 56,000 galaxies.

Stuttgarter Zeitung, Sept. 30, 2024, [Link]
Did the Milky Way form faster than we thought?

Article on the AIP press release on the study by Samir Nepal and Dr. Cristina Chiappini

Sky & Telescope, Aug. 13, 2024, [Link]
Ancient stars found in Milky Way's thin disk

Article on the AIP press release on the study by Samir Nepal and Dr. Cristina Chiappini

Space Daily, Aug. 5, 2024, [Link]
Sternenscheibe der Milchstraße ist unerwartet alt

Article on the AIP press release on the study by Samir Nepal and Dr. Cristina Chiappini, Aug. 1, 2024, [Link]
Sternenscheibe unserer Milchstraße ist ein Methusalem

Article on the AIP press release on the study by Samir Nepal and Dr. Cristina Chiappini

Stuttgarter Zeitung, Aug. 1, 2024, [Link]
Älter als gedacht

Article on the AIP press release on the study by Samir Nepal and Dr. Cristina Chiappini

Frankfurter Rundschau, July 31, 2024, [Link]
Sternwinde und Exoplaneten

Article by Judy Chebly on the influence of stellar winds on the development and habitability of exoplanets., July 12, 2024, [Link]
Mittelschweres schwarzes Loch entdeckt

Article on the discovery of a medium-sized Black Hole in Omega Centauri

Spiegel, July 11, 2024, [Link]
Forscher entdecken mittelschweres Massemonster in Sternhaufen

Radio and online contribution on the discovery of a medium-sized Black Hole in Omega Centauri

Deutschlandfunk, July 11, 2024, [Link]
Mittelschweres Schwarzes Loch in unserer Galaxie entdeckt

Article on the discovery of a medium-sized Black Hole in Omega Centauri, July 10, 2024, [Link] Billionen Kilo und doch nur Mittelmaß

Article on the discovery of a medium-sized Black Hole in Omega Centauri

Zeit online, July 10, 2024, [Link]
Projekt Pics4Sens: 3,4 Millionen Euro Fördermittel für Potsdamer Spitzenforschung

Article about our press release about the funding of the new photonics project for a spectrograph "on-a-chip"

Tagesspiegel | PNN, July 9, 2024, [Link]
Ein Instrument für die Suche nach Lebensspuren auf Exoplaneten

Article about the ESO agreement for the construction of the spectrograph ANDES for the Extremely Large Telescope, June 6, 2024, [Link]
Expolanet und Brennstoffzellen: 18-Jährige aus Hauptstadtregion setzen sich bei "Jugend forscht" durch

School student Anna Maria Weiß, guest researcher in the Stellar Physics and Expoplanets section with Prof Dr Katja Poppenhäger, is the national winner of the ‘Jugend forscht’ competition

rbb24, June 2, 2024, [Link]
Massive, magnetic stars beyond the Milky Way detected for the 1st time

Article about AIP's press release on the first discovery of massive magnetic stars beyond our galaxy, May 31, 2024, [Link]
Magnetic fiels in hot stars

Article about the first discovery of massive magnetic stars beyond our galaxy, May 30, 2024, [Link]
Luft | Von schmutzig bis sauber

Broadcast CheckPod - The podcast with Checker Tobi, with Dr Janine Fohlmeister on the question of why there is only air on planet Earth.

ARD Mediathek Podcast, May 10, 2024, [Link]
First component of new VISTA spectrograph on its way to Chile

Article at on the press release of the AIP, Feb. 29, 2024, [Link]
Einblick in die Feinwerkmechaniker-Ausbildung am Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam

Article featuring Oskar Sauerbrey on his training to become a precision mechanics at AIP

Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung,, Feb. 27, 2024, [Link]
X-ray image of half universe

Article about the publication of the first eROSITA data release

The National Tribune, Jan. 31, 2024, [Link]
"Das wird vielleicht irgendwann ein Zufallsfund werden"

Interview with Dr. Axel Schwope on the asteroid 2024BX1 that burnt up above Brandenburg.

rbb24, Jan. 22, 2024, [Link]
Röntgenastronomie: Die Durchmusterung des Himmels

Podcast in the series "Wissenswerte" with Dr. Axel Schwope

rbb24, inforadio, Jan. 14, 2024, [Link]
Riding the Cosmic Wave: How Plasma Instability Is Changing Our View of the Universe
SciTechDaily, Dec. 15, 2023, [Link]
"Our Universe": Closing event for the science year 2023

Interview at the closing event in Berlin, among others with Janine Fohlmeister

Deutschlandradio, Dec. 15, 2023, [Link]
New plasma instability unveils secrets of cosmic rays and galactic dynamics
The Daily Science, Dec. 13, 2023, [Link]
A bar of stars at the center of the Milky Way looks surprisingly young

Article on a study by Cristina Chiappini and Samir Nepal which appeared in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters

Science News, Dec. 13, 2023, [Link]
German simulations reveal a new plasma instability, shedding light on cosmic rays' nature
Supercomputing Online, Dec. 12, 2023, [Link]
Galactic winds are an often occurring phenomenon, Dec. 7, 2023, [Link]
Forum Wissenswerte: Die Entschlüsselung des Sonnensystems

Talk on occasion of the Science Year "Our Universe" in the Berlin ZEISS Planetarium with Lena Petersen and experts such as Carsten Denker.

rbb inforadio, Dec. 3, 2023, [Link]
Kleinplanet nach Potsdamer benannt

Article about the naming of a minor planet after Ernst-August Gußmann, founding member of the Förderverein Großer Refraktor e.V.

PNN, Oct. 16, 2023, [Link]
rbb Kultur vom 30.09.2023

"rbb Kulturmagazin" with a segment on the newly renovated Einstein Tower, with Carsten Denker.

rbb, Sept. 30, 2023, [Link]
Observatory built to represent Einstein’s theory of relativity reopens in Germany

Article about the reopening ceremony for the Einstein Tower.

The Guardian, Sept. 26, 2023, [Link]
Mars leuchtet bald in Nikolaikirche

Short contribution about the exhibition of the Mars globe in St. Nicholas Church, Potsdam

Deutschlandfunk, Sept. 12, 2023, [Link]
The powerful winds of super magnetic stars could destroy the possibility for life on their exoplanets, Aug. 9, 2023, [Link]
Hallo Hauptstadt

Interview with Axel Schwope about the press release from 15 June 2023 (starting at minute 2:43).

Hauptstadt TV, July 17, 2023
#07 Dunkle Materie

Podcast episode on the "Dark Matter" stele of the Milky Way exhibition "Beam me Up, Potsdam!" with Marcel Pawlowski.

proWissen Potsdam, June 27, 2023, [Link]
#03 Die Sonne und die Raumsonde Solar Orbiter

Podcast episode on the "Solar System" stele of the Milky Way exhibition "Beam me Up, Potsdam!" with Alexander Warmuth.

proWissen Potsdam, June 27, 2023, [Link]
#01 Spiralarme und das Weltraumteleskop Gaia

Podcast episode on the "Spiral arms" stele of the Milky Way exhibition "Beam me Up, Potsdam!" with Katja Weingrill.

proWissen Potsdam, June 26, 2023, [Link]
Teneriffa - Im Reich des Feuers

Documentation about the island Tenerife, with an interview of Carsten Denker on the solar telescope GREGOR (starting at about 32:40)

arte, May 17, 2023

Article about the birth of planets with Oliver Gressel.

leibniz, April 27, 2023, [Link]
Im Zeichen der Milchstraße: Potsdam greift nach den Sternen

Reference to ProWissen events for the Year of Science 2023 "Our Universe", with mention of the AIP's participation.

PNN, April 16, 2023, [Link]
News at a glance: Hubble interlopers, an ocean-drilling gap, and a near-sighted astronomer

The press release from 2 March 2023 in an astronomy news overview.

Science, March 9, 2023, [Link]
Wie ein Teleskop kurzsichtig wurde

News segment about the press release from 2 March 2023.

Deutschlandfunk Nova, March 3, 2023, [Link]
We are not alone: The search for life on exoplanets

Discussion round with Katja Poppenhäger for "Forum Wissenswerte" about the possibility of life outside earth.

rbb inforadio, Feb. 5, 2023, [Link]
Komet Ende Januar am Nachthimmel erwartet

Article about the comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) with Axel Schwope

Tagesspiegel, Jan. 13, 2023, [Link]

Podvast episode with Katja Poppenhäger.

Welt der Physik, Dec. 1, 2022, [Link]
Galactic archaeologists trace the evolution of the Milky Way

Article about galactic archaeology with Cristina Chiappini.

Physics Today, Nov. 8, 2022, [Link]
6 nach 6 - Das Frühstücksmagazin

News segment about the partial solar eclipse 2022 at AIP.

Hauptstadt TV, Oct. 26, 2022, [Link]
Struktur und Entstehungsgeschichte der Milchstraße – Matthias Steinmetz bei #FasziAstroOnline

Online lecture by Matthias Steinmetz at Faszination Astronomie Online, a series of events organized by the Haus der Astronomie.

Faszination Astronomie Online, Oct. 18, 2022, [Link]
Wie groß können schwarze Löcher werden?

Podcast with Mirko Krumpe

"Date a Scientist" der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Oct. 10, 2022, [Link]

Xenius broadcast on solar storms, with Dr. Alexander Warmuth.

NDR, Oct. 2, 2022
James-Webb-Teleskop – Der Blick in das dunkle Zeitalter

Interview with Martin Roth for "Wissenswerte" about JWST's first images.

rbb inforadio, Aug. 28, 2022
Beteigeuze ist nach Herzstillstand auf dem Weg der Besserung
Der Standard, Aug. 15, 2022, [Link]
Der ESA-Sternensatellit Gaia

Segment of the programme "Space Night science" with Katja Weingrill about the Gaia space mission.

ARD alpha, July 29, 2022, [Link]
Wo gibt es neue Planeten außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems?

Episode of the Leibniz podcast "Date a Scientist" with an interview with Matthias Mallonn about exoplanets.

Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, July 18, 2022, [Link]
James-Webb-Teleskop: "Wir wollen wissen, woher wir kommen"

Interview with Martin Roth about the publication of the first images made with JWST.

rbb inforadio, July 13, 2022, [Link]
Die Entschlüsselung des Lichts ferner Galaxien – Lutz Wisotzki bei #FasziAstroOnline

Online lecture by Lutz Wisotzki at Faszination Astronomie Online, a series of events organized by the Haus der Astronomie.

Faszination Astronomie Online, July 5, 2022, [Link]
Mission „Gaia“ präsentiert Atlas der Milchstraße

Article about the third Gaia data release with Roelof de Jong.

Tagesspiegel, June 13, 2022, [Link]
Faszination Galaxienhaufen – Christoph Pfrommer bei #FasziAstroOnline

Online lecture by Christoph Pfrommer at Faszination Astronomie Online, a series of events organized by the Haus der Astronomie.

Faszination Astronomie Online, May 10, 2022, [Link]
Motions of stars in neighboring Large Magellanic Cloud shed light on galaxy formation, April 4, 2022, [Link]
Brauchen wir Dunkle Materie?

Article by Marcel Pawlowski about the challenges to the Standard Model of Cosmology.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 16, 2022, [Link]
Astrophotonics moves to real-world applications

Interview about astrophotonics with Martin Roth.

LaserFocusWorld, March 4, 2022, [Link]
James-Webb-Teleskop erreicht Umlaufbahn um die Sonne

Interview with Martin Roth about the arrival of the James Webb Space Telescope at its orbit around the Sun.

rbb inforadio, Jan. 25, 2022, [Link]
Galaktische Archäologie mit Sternen

Episode of BR Campus Talks about galactic archaeology with Matthias Steinmetz as a guest.

Bayerischer Rundfunk, Jan. 10, 2022
Scharfer Blick ins All mit neuen Instrumenten
Pro Physik, Dec. 27, 2021, [Link]
Mit dem Teleskop in die Vergangenheit des Universums

Interview with Martin Roth about the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope.

rbb inforadio, Dec. 24, 2021, [Link]
Kuriose Muster der kosmischen Radiostrahlung / Harfen und Weihnachtsbäume in der Milchstraße

Episode of "Sternzeit" ("stardate") about the press release from 19 December 2019.

Deutschlandfunk, Dec. 19, 2021, [Link]
Potsdamer Sternwarte mit großer Tradition / Die Neptun-Sternwarte in Babelsberg

Episode of "Sternzeit" ("stardate") about AIP.

Deutschlandfunk, Dec. 15, 2021, [Link]
Riesenplaneten werden ungewöhnlich schnell groß
Deutschlandfunk, Dec. 3, 2021
Neue Pioniere

Interview with Mirko Krumpe on the topic of private space companies.

leibniz, Nov. 30, 2021, [Link]
Jubiläum der ältesten bestehenden Fachzeitschrift – Uralte dänisch-deutsche Astronomische Nachrichten

Episode of "Sternzeit" ("stardate") about the 200th birthday of of Astronomical Notes.

Deutschlandfunk, Nov. 19, 2021, [Link]
Grundsteinlegung am Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik

Radio segmet about laying the foundation stone with Wolfram Rosenbach, Matthias Steinmetz, Mike Schubert und Matthias Kleiner.

Inforadio, rbb online, Oct. 28, 2021, [Link]
Attention spectra aficionados!

Twitter thread by ESO on the delivery and integration of the fibre positioning system for the 4MOST telescope.

Twitter ESO, Oct. 28, 2021, [Link]
Eine Karte der Milchstraße

Segment about Galactic Archaeology with Matthias Steinmetz.

radioeins, Oct. 16, 2021
The Great German Quiz

Contribution to the Quiz on the Einstein Tower, with Alexander Warmuth.

ZDF, Sept. 25, 2021
Kosmische Wassersuche

Article about the search for water in the universe with Ekaterina Ilin.

leibniz, Sept. 22, 2021, [Link]
Die Entdeckung des Neptuns (1846), mit Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinmetz

Episode about the discovery of Neptune of the podcast "History of Europe" by Tobias Jakobi with Matthias Steinmetz.

Geschichte Europas, Sept. 20, 2021, [Link]
Marcel S. Pawlowski, der Astrophysiker, bei „Sechs Fragen an…“

Press release of the Klaus Tschira Stiftung, an interview with Marcel Pawlowski.

Klaus Tschira Stiftung, Sept. 1, 2021, [Link]
Was ist eigentlich dunkle Materie? Testen Sie Ihr Astro-Wissen!

Astronomical quiz with Marcel Pawlowski.

t-online, Aug. 17, 2021, [Link]
Vast Strands In the Cosmic Web That Connects the Universe Are Spinning, Scientists Find

Interview with Peng Wang and Noam Libeskind about the press release from 14 June.

Vice, June 14, 2021, [Link]
Astroseismologie: So klingen Sterne

Segment with Cristina Chiappini about the press release from 17 May.

Inforadio, June 8, 2021
Nach dem Supermond kommt das nächste Ereignis am Himmel

Interview with Mirko Krumpe about the partial solar eclipse on 10 June 2021.

Tagesspiegel, June 8, 2021, [Link]
Sieben ERC Grants für die Region

Article on the award of seven highly endowed ERC Advanced Grants of the EU research funding, including two to the AIP: to Prof. Lutz Wisotzki and Prof. Christoph Pfrommer.

Tagesspiegel, April 22, 2021, [Link]
Two AIP scientists receive ERC Advanced Grants

Article on the award of Prof. Lutz Wisotzk and Prof. Christoph Pfromer each with a highly endowed ERC grant., April 22, 2021, [Link]
Tiny clumps of newly formed stars observed – less than 2 billion years after the Big Bang

Tweet by the BMBF highlighting the press release from 18 March.

Twitter, March 23, 2021, [Link]
Astronomy in Potsdam: When will we go to Mars?

Interview with Mirko Krumpe, X-ray astronomer at AIP, about myths about astronomy.

MAZ, March 23, 2021, [Link]
Filaments of the cosmic web, March 22, 2021, [Link]
First maps of cosmic filaments, March 19, 2021, [Link]
Best images of the cosmic web so far
Deutschlandfunk, March 18, 2021, [Link]
First view of ancient cosmic web
ORF, March 18, 2021, [Link]
MUSE discovers filaments of the cosmic web, March 18, 2021, [Link]

Articles about instrumentation co-built by the AIP for the future Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in the ESO Messenger.

The Messenger, March 2, 2021, [Link]
Sternengeschichten Episode 431: Encounters between the Sun and other stars

Mention of the system Scholz's Star, named after Ralf-Dieter Scholz, in the Sternengeschichten podcast.

Podcast, Feb. 26, 2021, [Link]
On the hunt for galaxies in a backyard in Babelsberg

Interview with Matthias Steinmetz about his hobby: observation from home.

MAZ, Feb. 26, 2021, [Link]
Sensational view of a black hole

Article about innoFSPEC.

Innovation & Strukturwandel, Feb. 22, 2021, [Link]
Xenius: Solar storms

Broadcast with the assistance of Dr. Alexander Warmuth, filmed among other places in the Einstein Tower and on the LOFAR field in Potsdam-Bornim.

ARTE, Feb. 15, 2021
Our man in space

Article about crewed spaceflight with a quote by Professor Matthias Steinmetz.

Süddeutsche Zeitung, Feb. 10, 2021, [Link]
The great astrophysicist and the magnetic universe

Segment on the first anniversary of Karl-Heinz Rädler's death.

Deutschlandfunk, Feb. 9, 2021, [Link]
Planets as profession and passion

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Katja Poppenhäger.

Portal Wissen, Jan. 31, 2021, [Link]
Probably meteor

Assessment of Dr. Jürgen Rendtel on the sighting of green-blue celestial body in the region.

rbb, Jan. 29, 2021, [Link]
The enigma of black holes

Interview with Mirko Krumpe.

MAZ, Jan. 22, 2021, [Link]
Potsdam astronomers: Soon we'll get to know our neighbours in space

Interview with Prof. Klaus Strassmeier about his talk at the Babelsberg Starry Nights.

MAZ, Jan. 21, 2021, [Link]
Astronomers search for microplastics

Interview with Prof. Dr. Martin Roth on the PlasMark project, which aims to discover tiny plastic particles in the body.

Tagesspiegel, Jan. 6, 2021, [Link]
Tiny clumps of newly formed stars observed - less than 2 billion years after the Big Bang

Tweet by the BMBF about the press release on 5 October 2020.

Twitter, Jan. 6, 2021, [Link]
Measuring the Universe

Recording of the lecture by Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinmetz in the Salon "Sophie Charlotte" of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences.

Deutschlandfunk Nova, Dec. 27, 2020, [Link]
Neighbourhood watch: What the mission to map the Milky Way is revealing about satellite galaxies

Article about Gaia with Maria-Rosa Cioni.

HORIZON – The EU Research & Innovation Magazine, Dec. 9, 2020, [Link]
Gaia-Mission liefert eine Landkarte für den Himmel

Article about the third Gaia data release.

Tagesspiegel, Dec. 4, 2020, [Link]
Space: Knowledge Frontier

Short Documentary featuring Christoph Kuckein.

Film, Nov. 24, 2020, [Link]
Babelsberg Starry Nights

Interview with Axel Schwope about his talk at the virtual Babelsberg Starry Nights.

Antenne Brandenburg, Oct. 15, 2020
Die Sonne erwacht

Article about the activity of the Sun.

FAZ, Oct. 11, 2020
Physik-Nobelpreis 2020: "Schwarze Löcher sind etwas ganz Normales" - Interview Lutz Wisotzki, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam

Interview about the topic of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 – black holes – with Lutz Wisotzki.

Deutschlandfunk, Oct. 6, 2020, [Link]
Knapp an der Erde vorbei

Article about the Asteroid „2011 ES4“ with Axel Schwope.

Tagesspiegel, Aug. 23, 2020, [Link]
Interview with Katja Poppenhäger
Antenne Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 2020
Staubwolke verdunkelte Beteigeuze

Article about the press release on 18 August 2021.

ZDF, Aug. 16, 2020, [Link]
This Star Looked Like It Would Explode. Maybe It Just Sneezed

Article about the press release on 18 August 2021.

New York Times, Aug. 14, 2020, [Link]
Potsdamer Professorin für Astrophysik – und ihre Leidenschaft für historischen Schwertkampf

Interview with Katja Poppenhäger.

MAZ, Aug. 3, 2020, [Link]
Bislang größte 3D-Karte des Universums veröffentlicht

News segment about SDSS with Matthias Steinmetz.

Tagesschau, July 20, 2020, [Link]
Fotoshooting mit der Sonne so nah wie nie

Article about Solar Orbiter.

ZEIT, July 17, 2020, [Link]
Welche Form hat das Universum?

Noam Libeskind answers a question in the section "Ask Leibniz".

Leibniz, July 16, 2020, [Link]
Ein lückenloser Röntgenhimmel

Article about eROSITA with Georg Lamer, Axel Schwope und Mirko Krumpe.

MAZ, June 20, 2020
Wie Elon Musk das Internet revolutionieren will

Youtube video about Starlink with Matthias Steinmetz.

Simplicissimus, June 17, 2020, [Link]
The Discovery of Star “cooking” Its Baby Planets Sheds Light on Finding Habitable Exoplanets in Space
The Science Times, June 12, 2020, [Link]
Einer von 20.000: Zuhause

Interview with Matthias Steinmetz about working from home.

Leibniz, June 9, 2020, [Link]

Katja Poppenhäger und Christoph Pfrommer answer children's questions.

ProWissen Fragenheft, June 1, 2020, [Link]
Auf ein Akademisches Viertel mit ... Matthias Steinmetz

Matthias Steinmetz talks about the Milky Way as a modern nature painting, the carbon footprint of scientists and what impact Corona has on interplanetary space.

BBAW Podcast, April 1, 2020, [Link]
Bewegtes Weltall

Article about movement in the universe with Noam Libeskind.

Leibniz, April 1, 2020, [Link]
Wie man mit einer Mondfinsternis eine zweite Erde finden kann

Article about the press release from 2 March 2020 with Klaus Strassmeier.

MDR, March 3, 2020, [Link]
Die Entdeckung von Pluto

Interview with Mirko Krumpe about the discovery of Pluto.

Radio Eins, Feb. 18, 2020
Launch of Solar Orbiter

Interview with Gottfried Mann about the launch of Solar Orbiter.

Radio Eins, Feb. 10, 2020
Potsdamer Teleskop fliegt zur Sonne

Article about Solar Orbiter with Alexander Warmuth.

MAZ, Feb. 1, 2020
Der Untote

Article about white dwarfs with Ralf-Dieter Scholz.

Bild der Wissenschaft, Jan. 1, 2020
Weihnachten im All
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Dec. 23, 2019, [Link]
Dunkle Materie - was genau ist das?

Podcast of the Leibniz Association, episode with Noam Libeskind about dark matter.

Tonspur Wissen, Dec. 20, 2019, [Link]
Three growing supermassive black holes in one galaxy?! | Night Sky News December 2019

Video by Dr. Becky about the press release from 21.11.2019.

Dr. Becky – Youtube, Dec. 18, 2019, [Link]
Lichterketten über Brandenburg – Starlink Satelliten

Interview with Silke Kuba and Roland Winkler about sightings of Starlink satellites in Brandenburg.

Zibb, Dec. 3, 2019
Drei Schwarze Löcher
Tagesschau, Nov. 21, 2019
Erstmals drei supermassereiche Schwerkraftmonster in einem Galaxienkern entdeckt
ZDFheute, Nov. 21, 2019
There’s Growing Evidence That the Universe Is Connected by Giant Structures

Article about large-scale structures in the universe with Noam Libeskind and Marcel Pawlowski.

Vice, Nov. 11, 2019, [Link]
Faszination Universum: Unser kosmisches Schicksal

TV show with astrophysicist Harald Lesch, filmed in the Great Refractor.

ZDF, Oct. 13, 2019, [Link]
Nobelpreis für Astrophysiker

Interview with Katja Poppenhäger about the Nobel Prize in Physics 2019.

rbb kulturradio, Oct. 9, 2019
Die All-Wissenden

Interview with Matthias Steinmetz about the Nobel Prize in Physics 2019.

Tagesspiegel, Oct. 8, 2019, [Link]
Cosmic Mariners: Astronomers chart the vastness of space by tracking the currents that galaxies swim in

Article about cosmic structures by Noam Libeskind and Yehufda Hoffman.

Sky & Telescope, Oct. 1, 2019
Faszination Universum: Im Bann der Astrologie

TV show with astrophysicist Harald Lesch, filmed in the Great Refractor.

ZDF, Sept. 29, 2019, [Link]
Kartografie eines fernen Sterns

Article about the press release from 19.03.2019 by Klaus Strassmeier and Thorsten Carroll.

Sterne und Weltraum, Aug. 20, 2019
Bauhaus 100: Orte der Moderne

Book about Bauhaus with a chapter about the Einstein Tower.

Grand Tour der Moderne, Aug. 15, 2019, [Link]
Erdähnliche Planeten

Interview with Matthias Mallonn about earth-like planets.

Star FM, Aug. 5, 2019
Neue Daten zeigen erstmals deutlich die Balkenstruktur unserer galaktischen Heimat
Der Standard, July 23, 2019, [Link]
Schwarze Löcher

Interview with Mirko Krumpe about black holes.

Radio Fritz, July 20, 2019
Countdown für Start von europäischem Teleskop abgebrochen

Article about eROSITA with Axel Schwope.

Tagesspiegel, June 21, 2019, [Link]
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2019

News segment about the Long Night of Sciences 2019 with Jürgen Rendtel at the Einstein Tower.

rbb Brandenburg Aktuell/rbb Abendschau, June 14, 2019
Besuch des niederländischen Königspaars

News segment about the visit of the Dutch royal couple in May 2019.

Leute heute (ZDF), May 22, 2019
"Ein dämmriges Nachglühen"

Interview with Martin Roth about the press release from 29.04.2019.

Der Spiegel, May 3, 2019, [Link]
Erstes Foto eines Schwarzes Lochs

Interview with Tanya Urrutia about the first image of a black hole.

rbb kulturradio, April 11, 2019
Ist Land in Sicht?

Article by Katja Poppenhäger in the magazine of the Leibniz Association.

leibniz, March 26, 2019, [Link]
Neubau für astrophysikalisches Institut

Interview with Matthias Winker about the new building of AIP.

Antenne Brandenburg, Feb. 25, 2019
Jörg Hartmann und "Lotte am Bauhaus"

News segment about the filming of the movie "Lotte am Bauhaus" with actor Jörg Hartmann at the Einstein Tower.

rbb Kultur Das Magazin, Feb. 2, 2019
Astronomie: Das Archiv der Sterngucker

Documentary about APPLAUSE with Harry Enke.

Arte, Jan. 5, 2019, [Link]
Neue Planeten und Sternsysteme

Interview with Katja Poppenhäger about new planets and stellar systems.

radioeins, Jan. 1, 2019
Galaktische Archäologie

Interview with Anke Arentsen über Galaktische Archäologie,

rbb kulturradio, Dec. 20, 2018
Streetphilosophy: Finde deinen Glauben!

TV broadcast about philosophy with Noam Libeskind.

Arte, Nov. 24, 2018, [Link]
Wie die Menschheit die Sonne erforscht

Feature about the study of the Sun with Carsten Denker.

WDR, Oct. 26, 2018
Galaktische Archäologie: Das Rätsel der ersten Sterne

Article about Else Starkenburg.

Berliner Kurier, Oct. 21, 2018
Faszination Universum: Das Rätsel des Anfangs

TV show with astrophysicist Harald Lesch, filmed in the Great Refractor.

ZDF, Oct. 7, 2018, [Link]
Faszination Universum: Die Schwerkraft – Dirigentin der Welt

TV show with astrophysicist Harald Lesch, filmed in the Great Refractor.

ZDF, Sept. 30, 2018, [Link]

Interview with Jörg Weingrill about the lunar eclipse.

rbb kulturradio, July 27, 2018
So scharf haben Sie den Neptun lange nicht gesehen

Article about the press release from 18.07.2018.

Der Spiegel, July 20, 2018, [Link]
„Auf der Suche nach Biosignaturen“

Interview with Klaus Strassmeier about the ELT.

Welt der Physik, July 2, 2018, [Link]
4MOST: Mit Highspeed den Himmel durchmustern

Article about 4MOST.

Sterne und Weltraum, June 12, 2018
Seltene kosmische Kollisionen führen zu galaktischen Rugbybällen
Der Standard, May 25, 2018, [Link]
Raumsonde Gaia kartiert 1,8 Milliarden Sterne
Bayerischer Rundfunk, April 27, 2018, [Link]
Warum kann man Sternschnuppen nur so kurz sehen?

Video about the question answered by Rainer Arlt in the Nachgefragt! booklet 2018 by ProWissen.

Potsdam TV, April 25, 2018
Hawkings Krankheit macht ihn zu dem Forscher, der er war

Interview with Matthias Steinmetz about the death of Stephen Hawking.

rbb inforadio, March 14, 2018
Woran erkennt man außerirdisches Leben?

Interview with Kris Youakim about his talk at the Babelsberg Starry Nights.

rbb kulturradio, Feb. 15, 2018
Super-Blauer-Blutmond am Himmel – Und nur der Mond schaut zu

Interview with Alexander Warmuth about moon phenomena.

rbb Zibb, Jan. 31, 2018
Was ist Supermond, Blue Moon, Blutmond?

Background information by Kristin Riebe for the morning TV show.

Sat1 Frühstücksfernsehen, Jan. 30, 2018