Public Events

Various events take place at the AIP on the Babelsberg campus or at its historic site on Potsdam's Telegrafenberg. In addition, virtual formats are accessible from all over the world.

Bohemian Days Babelsberg 2024

The Babelsberg campus of the AIP on a sunny day. The Schwarzschildhaus is on the left, the dome of the Humboldthaus is visible in the middle background and the Leibnizhaus is on the right.

As part of the Bohemian Days Babelsberg 2024, the Förderverein AIP e.V. offered three guided tours of the Babelsberg research campus: on 7, 8 and 9 June, each at 6 pm.

Day of the Open Monument


On the occasion of the Day of the Open Monument, the “Förderverein Großer Refraktor e.V.” association opens the doors to the historic refracting telescope on 8 September 2024 from 10 am to 6 pm. The members of the association offer guided tours of the astrophysical highlights of the Telegrafenberg as well as a demonstration of the telescope. This year also open for visiting: the Einstein Tower!

Babelsberg Starry Nights

Sternennächte Flyer, virtuell

Our popular lecture series is currently taking place online. Usually on the third Thursday of each month, a new lecture by an AIP scientist is broadcast on the YouTube channel Urknall, Weltall und das Leben or videowissen from 7 or 8 p.m.. The dates, speakers and topics as well as links to the previously published lectures can be found on this website (German):

This link can also be found in our flyer, the dates are also entered in the AIP Calendar.

Please note: nearly all the talks are given in German.

Potsdam Science Day

Großer Refraktor nachts

The Potsdam Science Day took place at the Telegrafenberg on 4 May 2024. The AIP opened the Great Refractor, the Einstein tower and the Michelson basement, and brought the stars a little closer to visitors with a mixed programme.

Girls' Day / Zukunftstag Brandenburg

Students, who stand around a smaller reflecting telescope inside a wooden dome with an opened slit.

On the previous Girls' Day and Zukunftstag Brandenburg on 25 April 2024, around 20 school girls visited the AIP and got to know the institute and some female scientists, explored the Milky Way with VR glasses and created constellations in 3D. The next Girls' Day and the Zukunftstag Brandenburg for school students is going to take place on 3 April 2025. More information is available at the page Information for schools.

Observation evenings at the Great Refractor


The Great Refractor on Telegrafenberg can be experienced in action during winter: Visitors get to look at the stars through the historical telescope during our observation evenings. The dates will be announced well in advance.

Leibniz "Book a Scientist"

Credit: WGL

AIP scientists regularly take part in the (virtual) Leibniz Association event series "Book a Scientist". People interested in science can book an exclusive virtual talk on the scientists' respective research topics, from planets around other stars to black holes and galaxies. More information:

Last update: 18. June 2024