Service for Schools

Visting the AIP and presentations

A group of schoolgirls, visible from behind, walk through the large wooden door of the Humboldthaus. One of its two white side domes is visible. The house itself is overgrown with ivy.

School classes of all ages can visit the AIP upon appointment. For further information please contact the Press and Public Outreach section about two months in advance, indicating the number of school students and their age:, Tel.: 0331 7499 803.

Requests for weekend visits can unfortunately not be accepted.

These events for schools are free of charge.


For school classes visiting the AIP and for special events at schools, e.g. thematic weeks/days, special projects etc., our scientists offer presentations which introduce the students to the fascinating world of modern astronomy and astrophysics.

Presentations for school students are free of charge; for presentations at schools that require the presenters to travel a long distance, we kindly ask for reimbursement of travel expenses.

The talks are usually in German, but most of our presentations can also be held in English.

Possible presentation topics and contacts can be found here: Presentation topics.

Girls' Day / Zukunftstag Brandenburg

Students, who stand around a smaller reflecting telescope inside a wooden dome with an opened slit.

Every year in March/April, the AIP invites a limited number of students to the German Girls' Day and the Zukunftstag Brandenburg to gain insight into the life of a professional astrophysicist, engineer or technician at the AIP. Registrations are only possible via the central web pages linked above.

Internships for school students

School students can take part in an internship at the AIP. However, demand is very high and internship places are limited, so not every application is successful. More information is available here: School internship at the AIP.

Last update: 22. May 2024