Cloud-, Compute- and Research Data Infrastructure Extension with ERDF

With ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)funding of 1 Milllion Euro the IT-Infrastructure of AIP is being upgraded and improved.
Between 06/2020 and 06/2022 the following orders have been placed:
First component is a Compute cluster with more than 3000 cores and 2.458 TB RAM, and 8 GPU for machine learning tasks. Four new interactive nodes provide
access to the cluster. A mirrored Lustre-Filesystem with 2PB of storage space was added.

The second component of our scientific IT landscape is the extension of the AIP cloud with 4x2 nodes and 0.5 PB storage.
Third component is the renewal of the Almagest cluster, where additional 2PB of storage and new interactive nodes to support the publication of scientific data and collaborative research environments (CRE) of big projects.
Finally the Infiniband backbone of the IT facilities was upgraded to more than 40GB/s bandwidth between the two cluster sites.
Based on the ERDF funds and additional institution funding these measures enable the sustainable support of scientific projects at AIP and the role of AIP as a national competence centre for data intensive astronomy, thus contributing to the international scientific competitiveness of the institute. Participating in the efforts to build a national research data infrastructure (NFDI) the AIP is also contributing services building on this IT infrastructure.