Section Members
Structure and content of nearby galaxies including the Milky Way, PI 4MOST high multiplex spectrograph
Scientific Staff
Extreme Metal-Poor stars, chemo-dynamical evolution of the Milky Way
Milky Way and galaxy kinematics, chrono-chemo-dynamic simulations and analysis of the Milky Way
Proper motion studies, Solar neighbourhood objects, open clusters
Gaia spectroscopic pipeline development, solar physics
Postdoctoral Researchers
Spectroscopic pipelines, abundance analysis, RAVE
Stellar populations and stellar dynamics in different environments - from dwarf galaxies to globular clusters and galactic nuclei
Dynamics, structure and chemical evolution of Milky Way, N-body/hydrodynamics, MHD
Starbursting and starforming galaxies, HII regions, deep surface photometry, Lyman Continuum escape from galaxies at low and high redshifts
Dynamics and radial migration of stellar populations in the Milky Way
Stellar rotation in star clusters, spectral analysis pipelines, instrumentation software
Doctoral Candidates
Milky Way disk dynamics and stellar radial migration
Spectral analysis through machine learning, convolutional neural networks
Bayesian analyses to determine astrophysical parameters of stars