Section Members

Team photo

Team Milky Way 2024

Credit: AIP, Thomas Spikermann
Section Head
Office: KH/2.37
Phone: +49 331 7499 648

Structure and content of nearby galaxies including the Milky Way, PI 4MOST high multiplex spectrograph

Scientific Staff

Senior Scientist
Office: LH/1-18
Phone: +49 331 7499 454

Extreme Metal-Poor stars, chemo-dynamical evolution of the Milky Way

Senior Scientist
Office: LH/1.01
Senior Scientist
Office: KH/2.39
Phone: +49 331 7499 259

Milky Way and galaxy kinematics, chrono-chemo-dynamic simulations and analysis of the Milky Way

Scientific Staff
Office: KH/2.42
Senior Scientist
Office: KH/2.09
Phone: +49 331 7499 336

Proper motion studies, Solar neighbourhood objects, open clusters

Senior Scientist
Office: KH/2.32
Phone: +49 331 7499 671

Gaia spectroscopic pipeline development, solar physics

Postdoctoral Researchers

Postdoctoral Researcher
Office: LH/1-02
Phone: +49 331 7499 321

Spectroscopic pipelines, abundance analysis, RAVE

Postdoctoral Researcher
Office: KH/2.40
Phone: +49 331 7499 301

Stellar populations and stellar dynamics in different environments - from dwarf galaxies to globular clusters and galactic nuclei

Postdoctoral Researcher
Office: LH/1-20
Phone: +49 331 7499 213

Dynamics, structure and chemical evolution of Milky Way, N-body/hydrodynamics, MHD

Postdoctoral Researcher
Office: SH/226
Phone: +49 331 7499 657

Starbursting and starforming galaxies, HII regions, deep surface photometry, Lyman Continuum escape from galaxies at low and high redshifts

Postdoctoral Researcher
Office: KH/2.33

Dynamics and radial migration of stellar populations in the Milky Way

Postdoctoral Researcher
Office: KH/2.33

Stellar rotation in star clusters, spectral analysis pipelines, instrumentation software

Doctoral Candidates

Doctoral Candidate
Office: KH/2.42

Milky Way disk dynamics and stellar radial migration

Doctoral Candidate
Office: KH/2.42
Phone: +49 331 7499 277

Spectral analysis through machine learning, convolutional neural networks

Doctoral Candidate
Office: LH/1-01
Phone: +49 331 7499 663

Bayesian analyses to determine astrophysical parameters of stars

Students and Assistants

Master Student
Office: LH
Student Assistant
Master Student
Office: LH/1-10
Master Student
Office: LH/1-10


Team Assistant
Office: LH/0-19
Phone: +49 331 7499 266