
The robotic reflecting telescope RoboTel.
Credit: AIPRoboTel is a smaller copy of the robotic telescope STELLA. Its main use is as a test-bed for in-house developed telescope hardware as the weather in Potsdam makes routine science operation difficult.
- Cassegrain system
- 80 cm main mirror
- total aperture ratio F/8.0
- field of view with corrector 30 arcmin
- mirror material Astro-Sitall
- rotatable teriary mirror serves both Nasmyth foci
- positioning speed 10°/s
- installed in the Schwarzschild building at the AIP
Documentation in German: RoboTel – Das Schüler- und Forschungsteleskop (pdf)

Installing RoboTel.
Credit: AIP/K.G.Strassmeier

The dome of RoboTel.
Credit: AIP
Ray path at the RoboTel telescope.
Credit: AIP
Image of the Triangulum Galaxy M33 with RoboTel, RGB composite.
Credit: AIP, RoboTelRoboTel was sponsired by the European Union, European Fund for regional development.

Involved AIP sections and groups:
Telescope Control and Robotics, Technical Section, Stellar Activity