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Bild zur Pressemitteilung "Galaxien im Ruhestand"
[web size] [full size] more at /highlight_archive/cattaneo_2009/ (image added 2009-07-08) |
Bild zur Pressemitteilung "Galaxien im Ruhestand"
[web size] [full size] more at /highlight_archive/cattaneo_2009/ (image added 2009-07-08) |
Bild zur Pressemitteilung "Galaxien im Ruhestand"
[web size] [full size] more at /highlight_archive/cattaneo_2009/ (image added 2009-07-08) |
Bild zur Pressemitteilung "Galaxien im Ruhestand"
[web size] [full size] more at /highlight_archive/cattaneo_2009/ (image added 2009-07-08) |
Galactic kinematics with RAVE: The local sigma_W kinematic distribution function: a thin disk component (sigam_W = [10-25] km/s) and a thick disk (sigam_W = [30-45] km/s).
[web size] [full size] more at /highlight_archive/veltz_rave/ (image added 2008-03-26) |
Galactic kinematics with RAVE: Model of the vertical stellar density rho(z) (dashed line) and its thin and thick disk decomposition (respectively thin and thick lines).
[web size] [full size] more at /highlight_archive/veltz_rave/ (image added 2008-03-26) |
LBT-Aufnahmen der Spiralgalaxie NGC 2770: Kombination zweier Aufnahmen im ultravioletten und grüen Licht. Dies betont die mehr klumpigen Regionen von neu entstandenen heißen Sternen in den Spiralarmen.
[web size] [full size] more at /highlight_archive/lbt_beideaugen/ (image added 2008-03-06) |
LBT-Aufnahmen der Spiralgalaxie NGC 2770: Kombination zweier langbelichteter Aufnahmen im roten Spektralbereich. Hier ist die eher gleichmäßige Verteilung der älteren und kühleren Sterne zu erkennen.
[web size] [full size] more at /highlight_archive/lbt_beideaugen/ (image added 2008-03-06) |
LBT-Aufnahmen der Spiralgalaxie NGC 2770: In dieser Zusammenfassung aller Einzelaufnahmen sind alle Strukturen der Galaxie gut erkennbar.
[web size] [full size] more at /highlight_archive/lbt_beideaugen/ (image added 2008-03-06) |
The host galaxy of the gamma-ray burst GRB990712
The host galaxy observed with the HST/STIS camera.
The redshift of this burst was z=0.434 and it is thus
one of the closest cosmological bursts. The distance
between the two knots is 1500 pc. It is possible that
these knots are two separate star forming regions.
The GRB occurred in the right knot.
L. Christensen
more at (image added 2003-01-29) |
The fascinating tidal encounter between the barred spiral galaxy NGC
2207 (left) and the ocular shaped spiral IC2163 (right). The image is a
composite of 6 observations in the I-band.
P. Böhm
more at (image added 2003-03-13) |
NGC2207 and IC2163 after applying an adaptive Laplace filter.
Compare the image with the one above and note the structures
revealed in the cores of the galaxies.
P. Böhm
more at (image added 2003-03-13) |
Another barred galaxy: NGC 1365 - member of the Fornax cluster. It is a
wide spiral with a very strong bar and contains more than 15 x 109 solar
masses of HI (Jörsäter & Moorsel, AJ 110 (5), 1995, p. 2037). Three
I-band frames have been added to get the image.
P. Böhm
more at (image added 2003-03-13) |
NGC1365 after applying an adaptive Laplace filter.
Compare the image with the one above and note the structures
revealed in the core and bar of the galaxy.
P. Böhm
more at (image added 2003-03-13) |
COMBO-17: Classifying Objects by Medium-Band Observations
COMBO-17 has imaged 1 square degree of sky in 17 optical filters using the Wide Field Imager at the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at La Silla, Chile. The image shows the cluster field Abell 901/902. (full size).
Image processing: Henning Christ
PIs: Christian Wolf (Oxford), Klaus Meisenheimer (MPIA)
Copyright of the poster: Verlag Sterne und Weltraum
more at (image added 2003-12-02) |
Detail of a cosmological simulation of galaxy formation
Detail of a 25 Mpc simulation (using the MMART code - multiple-mass adaptive refinement tree) at redshift 0.25: This group contains three massive halos and 110 smaller satellites. The progenitor of this object at redshift one shows two of the massive halos in the progress of merging. At redshift 5.5 a huge number of small halos can be seen along filaments.
(credits: S. Gottlöber, A. Klypin, A.Kravtsov)
more at (image added 2002-12-05) |
Detail of a cosmological simulation of galaxy formation
See sbove.
more at (image added 2002-12-05) |
Detail of a cosmological simulation of galaxy formation
See above. Magnification of left part.
more at (image added 2002-12-05) |
Detail of a cosmological simulation of galaxy formation
See above. Magnification of the central part.
more at (image added 2002-12-05) |
Detail of a cosmological simulation of galaxy formation
See above. Magnification of right part.
more at (image added 2002-12-05) |
Detail of a cosmological simulation of galaxy formation
See above. Same simulation at redshift z=1.0.
more at (image added 2002-12-05) |
Detail of a cosmological simulation of galaxy formation
See above. Same simulation at redshift z=5.5.
more at (image added 2002-12-05) |
First XMM observations of the Lockman hole
Lockman Hole viewed by EPIC PN-Camera in a ~20 ksec observation
(see ).
The superposed squares with numbers refer to the sources detected
in 1.2 Msec observation with the ROSAT HRI, which was the deepest
X-ray image of the universe until recently.
The XMM observation, although relatively short, is even more
sensitive than the deepest ROSAT observation.
A total exposure time of 150 ksec is foreseen in the XMM PV phase.
(credits: G. Hasinger and
ESA press release )
more at (image added 2002-12-05) |
Galactic magnetic fields
In order to explain the observed properties of galactic magnetic
fields, a 3D numerical code was applied to a uniform external
(primordial) magnetic field being subject to a complex flow
pattern representing the situation in a turbulent spiral galaxy.
No dynamo alpha-effect was prescribed, but all the known turbulence
effects such as eddy diamagnetism and turbulent pumping are involved.
R. Rohde
more at (image added 2003-01-22) |