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last change Sat, 12 Mar 2011 11:52:50 GMT, U. Hanschur
Interstellar Matter: Turbulence
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Simulation of interstellar turbulence by...
Simulation of interstellar turbulence by the magnetorotational instablity. Vertical dependence of the velocity dispersion in MRI-driven turbulence of the interstellar matter.

Graph: D. Elstner
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more at /groups/MHD/  (image added 2006-01-31)

MHD simulation of supernovae in the inte...
MHD simulation of supernovae in the interstellar medium. Linear gas-density in kg/m^3 overlaid with iso-surfaces illustrating the cavities being formed by the supernova-explosions.

Graph: O. Gressel
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more at /People/ogressel/  (image added 2006-01-31)