Archived News

Here you can have a look at older press releases, news and event announcements.

The eROSITA collaboration releases the first set of data from the X-ray telescope eROSITA as an "Early Data Release" for research worldwide. Scientists from the AIP were providing parts of the software for data analysis, analyzing observations of neutron stars and white dwarfs as well as investigating the effects of X-rays on the atmospheres of young exoplanets.

By mapping the motion of galaxies in huge filaments that connect the cosmic web, astronomers at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), in collaboration with scientists in China and Estonia, have found that these long tendrils of galaxies spin on the scale of hundreds of millions of light years.

A team of astronomers has succeeded in dating some of the oldest stars in our galaxy with unprecedented precision by combining data from the stars’ oscillations in space – their “sound” – with information about their chemical composition.

An initiative of leading scientists led by Professor Günther Hasinger, research director of the European Space Agency (ESA), is advocating the establishment of the German Centre for Astrophysics (DZA) to be located in Lusatia.

Under the motto "Research. Discover. Participate." the Potsdam Science Days will take place – for the first time online – from Monday, 3 May, to Sunday, 9 May. More than 30 universities and research institutions in the region participate – including the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP).

The all-sky survey with the X-ray telescope eROSITA identified strong, regularly recurring bursts of brightness in two previously completely unremarkable galaxies.

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded two professors at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) each with one of the world's most prestigious awards for established researchers, the ERC Advanced Grant – an exceptional success.

On 22 April, 2021, the Girls' Day will take place once again. On this nationwide day of action, female students from the 5th grade onwards have the opportunity to gain insight into occupational fields in which women are underrepresented. The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) opens its doors, this time virtually, on this day.

The research alliance "Leibniz Health Technologies", of which the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) is an associated member, will receive funding of 1.2 million euros from the Leibniz Association until the end of 2024.

Astronomers in an international team including the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) for the first time directly mapped cosmic web filaments in the young universe, less than two billion years after the Big Bang.

On 1 March 2021, Wolfram Rosenbach will start as the new administrative chairman at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), assuming responsibility for all administrative matters of the institute.

Spanning a period of 34 months, the ESA Gaia mission has now published the first part of its third data release (EDR3). It provides the most precise measurements of positions and motions of 1.8 billion objects across the sky.

Astronomers from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), together with colleagues from Germany and the US, have completed an astronomical spectrograph that is capable of creating the largest map of the cosmos.

A first part of the third Gaia data catalogue will be published on Thursday 3 December 2020. By then, entries for 1.8 billion sources will be available.

Dr Marcel Pawlowski from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) receives funding in the Leibniz competition to establish a junior research group dedicated to the motion and distribution of satellite galaxies of our Milky Way and other galaxies.

Nov. 13, 2020

Leander Leibnitz, an apprentice of the AIP, has won the victory in the German crafts competition in the state of Brandenburg.

The groundbreaking all-sky survey collected its very first observations of the cosmos. It will increase the understanding of formation and evolution of galaxies like our Milky Way.

So-called jellyfish galaxies are difficult to study because of their low brightness. An international research team has now gained new insights into the physical conditions prevailing in the gas tail of these galaxies.

An international research team has used observational data and simulations to determine the redshift in the Sun's gravitational field with unprecedented accuracy.

The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam, Germany (AIP) welcomes nominations and applications for the Johann Wempe Award 2021.