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Einweihung des LBT am 15. Oktober 2004: V.r.n.l. Peter A. Stolz, Klaus G. Strassmeier, Konstanze Pistor, Matthias Steinmetz, Rainer Arlt Siehe auch Bilder vom LBT und Gebäude
Dedication of the LBT on October 15, 2004: from right to left Peter A. Stolz, Klaus G. Strassmeier, Konstanze Pistor, Matthias Steinmetz, Rainer Arlt See also pictures of the LBT and building
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-10) |
Einweihung des LBT am 15. Oktober 2004: Hans-Olaf Henkel, Präsident der Leibniz Gemeinschft Siehe auch Bilder vom LBT und Gebäude
Dedication of the LBT on October 15, 2004: Hans-Olaf Henkel, President of the Leibniz Gemeinschaft See also pictures of the LBT and building
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-10) |
Einweihung des LBT: V.l.n.r. Hans-Olaf Henkel, Günther Hasinger, Matthias Steinmetz, Klaus G. Strassmeier
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT in Tucson am 15.10.2004: Letizia Moratti, Italiens MInisterin für Bildung, Universitäten und Forschung, mit Herrn Pacini vom INAF
LBT dedication in Tucson, October 15, 2004: Letizia Moratti, Italy's Minister of Education, University and Research, with Franco Pacini, INAF
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT: V.l.n.r. Matthias Steinmetz, Hans-Olaf Henkel, Matthias Voss
LBT dedication: October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT am 15.10.2004 in Tucson
LBT dedication in Tucson, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, Thomas Henning und Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA Heidelberg); 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT, 15.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT am 16. Oktober 2004: Roger Angel, University of Arizona Siehe auch Bilder vom LBT und Gebäude
Dedication of the LBT on October 15, 2004: Hans-Olaf Henkel, President of the Leibniz Gemeinschaft See also pictures of the LBT and building
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-10) |
Einweihung des LBT: 16.10.2004
LBT dedication, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT: John Schaefer, Präsident der Research Corporation, 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: John Schaefer, President Research Corporation, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT am 16.10.2004: Letizia Moratti, Italiens MInisterin für Bildung, Universitäten und Forschung, beim Interview
LBT dedication on October 16, 2004: Letizia Moratti, Italy's Minister of Education, University and Research, during radio interview
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT: Tom Herbst, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie; Heidelberg, 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: Tom Herbst, Max Planck Institute of Astronomy, Heidelberg; October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT: Tom Herbst, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie; Heidelberg, 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: Tom Herbst, Max Planck Institute of Astronomy, Heidelberg; October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT: Bruno Marano, Università Degli Studi Di Bologna, 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: Bruno Marano, University of Bologna; October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT: John Hill, Direktor des LBT Observatory, 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: John Hill, Director of the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory; October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Jim Slagle, Program Manager LBT Observatory, October 14, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Jim Slagle, Program Manager LBT Observatory, with journalists, October 14, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Jim Slagle (Program Manager LBT Observatory) and Richard Freeman (Ohio State University), October 15, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Jim Slagle (Program Manager LBT Observatory) explaining the way to the restrooms..., October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
John Ratje, Site Manager of the Mount Graham International Observatory; October 14, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, Matthias Steinmetz (links, Wiss. Vorstand AIP) und Klaus G. Strassmeier (AIP); 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, Matthias Steinmetz (left, Scientific Chairman AIP) and Klaus G. Strassmeier (AIP); October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT: Patrick Osmer, Ohio State University; 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: Patrick Osmer, Ohio State University; October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, Erläuterungen Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA), links Günther Hasinger (MPE) und Konstanze Pistor (Kuratorium des AIP); 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, pointing Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA), on the left Günther Hasinger (MPE) und Konstanze Pistor (AIP Board); October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, Peter Dorhout, Stuart Crampton, John Schaefer (Research Corporation); 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT; October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour zum LBT: am Kuppelfahrwerk, 16.10.2004
LBT dedication tour: at one of the dome rotation 'bogies', October 16, 2004
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Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, Günther Hasinger und Konstanze Pistor; 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, Günther Hasinger and Konstanze Pistor; October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT: Hans-Olaf Henkel (links) und Klaus G. Strassmeier
LBT dedication, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT; 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT; October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, Konstanze Pistor, Kuratorium des AIP, Stuart Crampton, Research Corporation; 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, Konstanze Pistor, Board of the AIP, Stuart Crampton, Research Corporation; October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, Erläuterungen Mark Wagner, Ohio State Univ./LBT, 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, explanations Mark Wagner, Ohio State Univ./LBT, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Seitentor der Kuppel des LBT halb geöffnet; 16.10.2004.
Side door of the LBT dome half-open; October 16, 2004.
Photo: R. Arlt
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, Konstanze Pistor und Klaus G. Strassmeier; 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT, 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihungs-Tour am LBT: v.l.n.r. Michael Truchsess (MPG), Immo Appenzeller (Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl), Thomas Henning (MPIA Heidelberg); 16.10.2004
Dedication tour to the LBT, October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
Einweihung des LBT: Ron Green, Bürgermeister von Safford beim Abendessen am 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: Safford Mayor Ron Green during dinner on October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-10) |
Einweihung des LBT: Abendessen am Fuße des Mount Graham, 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: dinner at the base of Mount Graham on October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-10) |
Einweihung des LBT: Country-Musik beim Abendessen am 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: country music band during dinner on October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-10) |
Einweihung des LBT: Country-Musik beim Abendessen am 16.10.2004
LBT dedication: country music band during dinner on October 16, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-10) |
Sicherheitskräfte während der Einweihung des LBT am 16.10.2004
Security was alert during the LBT dedication on October 16, 2004
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Zeitschrift von United Airlines - wie das LBT nicht aussehen sollte...
Travel journal of United Airlines showing how the LBT should not look like...
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
In Tucson, Arizona, October 17, 2004
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |
LBT-Reise im Oktober 2004: Blick auf Grönland
LBT trip in Ocotber 2004: aerial view on Greenland
[web size] [full size] more at (image added 2004-11-11) |